Monday, March 9, 2015

Marzooo... (March)

heyyyy This week was super fast (like every week),
We had transfers this week but by some miracle we dont have transfers YES! We actually legit thought we were going to have transfers and so Friday we fasted and prayed like never before haha and saturday when we found out we didnt have transfers we actually started crying (it was the first time ive felt the love from my comp haha) my emotions are out of control in the mission. i hate it. But this also means that I will most likely be here in Puerta Verde (green door)  for half of my mission. haha. oh well! Im super excited because we have a lot of good things going on right now! we have two inv. with bautismal dates (edwin and silvia). I also prayed that we wouldnt get anymore americanos in my zone andddd we didn't. SO im pretty happy! 
During contacting this week...well first off I`ll tell you about the game we play when we contact. so there is this drink here called inca cola thats super freakin good and im probably going to have withdrawals when i get home...but my companion hates it and likes the coca cola. so when we contact we ask the person if they like inca cola or coca cola. if they like inca cola I have to talk and if they like coca cola my companion has to talk. Well during contacting this week we found this lady (that liked inca cola) and we started talking to her about the gospel (duhh) well we found out that every single person in her family are members minus her....So we asked her why only her? and she said that she has seen so many people become members of the church having the desire to change their lives and then shortly after fall away and get back into their old habits. I was thinking a lot about this for the rest of the day. If everyone that was a member of the church was honest and true to their covenants wanting to truly endure to the end, think of the example we could be to other people. Its sad that some people have a bad idea about us because of the choices some people make! In a letter the assistant to the president sent last week he asked all of us this question.."what is your motive?" what is your motive for serving a mission? for joining the church? etc. You could apply this question to just about anything. If we could all just remember our motives in life. The reason we had the desire in the begining to persue something! I think if we could just always remember our motives we would never fail at anything. because our desires and motives is what keeps us going especially when it gets hard! I think joining the church is the easy part. the hard part is staying strong.
anyways, yeah thats just something Ive been thinking about this week! I dont really have alot to say this week! but I hope everyone has a great week! I LOVE YOU ALL!

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